JDR Vol 2 No 1 July 2020​

ISSN: 2687_590X


Journal of Diplomatic Research (JDR) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal published electronically on a biannual basis by the Association for Research on Diplomacy (DARD). Concordantly, JDR is open to all original studies on international relations, political science as well as theoretical, historical and methodological studies on diplomacy.


The goal of JDR is to present to the audience the studies on diplomatic history, diplomacy theories, diplomacy studies with quantitative, qualitative and integrated research methods, military diplomacy as well as other interdisciplinary diplomatic research and book reviews.

In this context, JDR stands as an international peer-reviewed academic journal bringing together scientists analyzing the phenomenon of diplomacy from all perspectives. Diplomatic history, diplomatic theory and new diplomacy types form the primary area of investigation. Principally, JDR presents to its audience the information and understanding in the framework of: Structural problematiques of the subject of diplomacy, latest understandings, theories and concepts on diplomacy, traditional research on diplomacy, diplomacy law and history, case studies on diplomatic processes and negotiations, application of various research methods on diplomatic research.


Editorial Introduction

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti ile Libya Devleti Ulusal Mutabakat Hükümeti Arasında İmzalanan Deniz Yetki Alanlarının Sınırlandırılması Mutabakatının Hukuki Statüsü ve Geleceği

Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Dönemde Rusya Federasyonu'nun Trans-Kafkasya Diplomasisinin Analizi (1991-2018)

Terörizmle Mücadele Yöntemi Olarak Kamu Diplomasisi ve İkna Süreçlerinin Uygulamadaki Rolü

“By Consent and Management”: Aversion to war, innovative thinking and managerial coordination at Utrecht 1713 and Vienna 1815

Ekonomik Diplomasinin Ekonomik Güvenliğe Etkisi: Çin-Afrika İlişkileri Analizi